Friday, February 11, 2011

Extract from Dualistic Plane vs. Unified Field article at

L-thinking (logic): If, Don't, Either/or,
-Good vs. bad
-Right vs. Wrong
-Hard vs. easy
-Success vs. failure (Outcome)
-Gain vs. Loss
-Confusion vs. Clarity
-Secure vs. Insecurity
-Happy vs. sad
-Hope vs. Hopeless
-Control vs. Helpless
-Lack vs. Abundance
-Satisfaction vs. Dissatisfaction (Greed, Envy, Jealousy)
-Stagnation vs. Flow
-Separation vs. Unity
-Boredom vs. Motivation (Goal)

Bare, Naked, Direct, Undefended, Open, Intuition, Vision, Creation, Allowing, Embrace, experience, indulge, breathe, Vibrancy, Essence, Sense, Gratitude/Love (pure)

Contrast the Unified Field with the characteristics of the Dualistic plane. Feel the difference in your body, in your emotions and in your mental energy field. Where do you want to vibrate?

The dualistic plane is where we have mostly learned to live and vibrate. We think and act from this vibration when we aren’t connected to the Unified Field. We vibrate in this dualistic/separate/competitive/fearful/controlling place when we forget and don’t choose the higher experience of what we are wanting. It is impossible to live from the dualistic plane and be fulfilled, happy, healthy and of true service. You/we must choose moment-to-moment as to where to think, act and vibrate.

Get quiet and ponder the impact of even reading and thinking about the characteristics of the dualistic plane vs. the characteristics of the Unified Field. Where and how do to do experience the difference? Scan your body. Notice how you breathe when reading each list. Where in your body do you tighten, where do you relax? Check out your emotions. What happens? Notice your mental energy field. What happens to your thoughts? Become acutely aware of how you uniquely respond.

Keep reminding yourself that when you vibrate in the dualistic plane that you are attracting more experiences and evidence that life is struggle, painful, and can’t be trusted.

Keep remembering to choose the Unified Field. In the choosing, you are opening the way to your natural inheritance (that has never left you). Keep doing your “yes” intentions and your gratitude's. By choosing thoughts that improve your vibration you are helping yourself to step into the Unified Field.
Learning How to Access the Unified Field

Goals Set in the Dualistic Plane vs. Goals Set in the Unified Plane:

Goals from this plane are usually in or about form. They seem easier for the ego/personality to accept. They are experienced as tangible and more able to control. They are of roles and beliefs. From this plane our five senses want to be able to Prove it” When we are abiding in this plane we are playing with concepts, vs. playing in the Unified Field with direct experience. We think we are creating apparent stability, however everything we move to, which we think will be “the answer” dissolves. We live with the feeling that we can’t protect enough and that something else out there will “get us”.

Look at the goals you have created. Are they in form (dualistic) or essence (Unified Field)? If they are in form, find the essence of why you are wanting the form. What higher essence is inviting you.

Example: Goal to get a job that pays $100,000 per year (form). Essence intention might be to find the perfect job that is fulfilling, creative, uplifting, on purpose, excites and thrills you, utilizes and expands your talents, is fun, filled with love and humor, and supplies abundance beyond your imaginings.

Can you see by taking the focus off the form, that your whole system (emotional, mental and physical bodies) can relax? Can you see by getting in touch with the essence of what you are wanting that you won’t then create a situation that may pay you $100,000 per year, and yet have you hating to face all the tasks, people, etc. on a daily basis. Can you see by listing your essence intentions that you build energy and allow the Universe/Unified Field to bring to you the perfect situation.

ijjjji paraphrase:

Characteristics of THE UNIFIED FIELD:
-Experience is all.
-Bare, Naked, Direct, Undefended, Open, Intuition, Vision, Creation, Allowing, Embrace, experience, indulge, breathe, Vibrancy, Essence, Sense, Gratitude/Love (pure)


Characteristics of THE DUALISTIC PLANE:
-L-thinking (logic): If, Don't, Either/or,

Ecamples of judgemental duality:
-Good vs. bad
-Right vs. Wrong
-Hard vs. easy
-Success vs. failure (Outcome)
-Gain vs. Loss
-Confusion vs. Clarity
-Secure vs. Insecurity
-Happy vs. sad
-Hope vs. Hopeless
-Control vs. Helpless
-Lack vs. Abundance
-Satisfaction vs. Dissatisfaction (Greed, Envy, Jealousy)
-Stagnation vs. Flow
-Separation vs. Unity
-Boredom vs. Motivation (Goal)


Reality exists only in the UNIFIED field.

In our brain, we add the TAINT of dualistic interpretation (good vs. bad) This is ALL mind concepts, and they all serve to distance us from TRULY EXPERIENCING the real life/world.

All this does is create stress and endless chase towards mind concepts that dont even exist (outcomes). For every 'value' you seek, you create an anti-value that will haunt you.

Learning to sense the world directly will put you into the unified field. Rather than putting labels like 'bliss' or 'orgasmic' on this state (which would be a return to the dualistic plane), I urge you to JUST experience the world in this way to understand, like described under 'UNIFIED FIELD' above.

GATA is also in the UNIFIED field??!!

Cos after the 'go' point, there is no longer any either/or BS, right?

And obviously, GWMethod is totally in the UNIFIED field, and its this that makes it effective.

While APPROACH is 100% in the DUALISTIC PLANE. (Together with many other things that we need to move away from: Value, style, structure etc)

Well I had a nice moment when a coworker was annoying the crap out of me with fast talk. By seeking the unified field I ended up ENJOYING the whole ordeal.

As you know, I have a whole method for seeking the UF when I run into girls I like. I forgot the name but its the one where you smile repeatedly and feel warm inside.

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