Sunday, August 08, 2010

Seductive Strategies

._.-=-. Warning .-=-._.
Like all animals, humans have a biological programming deep inside, of how to be/act perfectly seductive. Only requirement is relaxing body and mind. Trying to remember a lot of things can add stress, and thus ruin this process. Consequently, its better to aim to use very few strategies, than trying to learn many at once.

._.-=-. Conversation .-=-._.
Unrelaxed vibes makes conversations horribly uncomfortable for both. Two simple things that can allow you to relax and enjoy the conversation is:
-aim for good posture.
-take a long second to think before talking/responding.

When the person starts asking about you, practice this little fun routine:
1) be secretive by saying "Guess".
2) dodge with joke answers (see list further down).
3) break yourself off in middle of telling.
4) try _obviously_ to change the subject.

When the person starts smiling a lot, try this:
1) Lean in and smell and say "You smell good." Stroke arm lightly.
2) Silently move closer and continue stroking arms, back, hair etc etc..

If people talk a lot instead of letting romantic vibe happen, try just letting them talk without saying anything. Use same if they say something you dont like. Dont judge though. People say stupid things when they feel under pressure. Its not because they are like that normally.

Whenever you feel a strong romantic vibe, you should say something like "Wow Im starving. What food do you got at home?"

Everyone cant be available. When vibes go dull/bad, never show frustration. Instead you say "Ok, nice meeting you!" with warm smile, as you move on to talk to others.

._.-=-. Verbal pokes .-=-._.
"Wow this looks nice on you!"
"Wow you look happy!"
"So nice hair - is it real?" (pull hair) "HEY.. it moved!"
"What a nice fabric!" (grab/touch a piece of her clothes)
"Wow.. this couch is so soft.. and I love this texture!" (rub the material slowly)
"Wow, you look incredible today - did you take a shower?"
"My invisible friend just told me to talk to you!"
"You are soooo cute! I want to adopt you!"
(Bump so almost falls, then) "Are you drunk?"
"You are trouble! I shouldn't be talking to you!"
"Wow.. you look just like.. a little princess!"

._.-=-. Mock answers .-=-._.
"I'm an unemployed loser - I live with my mom."
"I'm an angel - one more good deed and I'll get my wings!"
"I collect trash - I'm a trash man! Trash is MY LIFE! I plan a big career in trash!"
"I'm a traveling underwear inspector!"
"I'm 16 - 16 and unkissed!"
"You are.. 60! Hehe just kidding! Hey I was only kidding! You are.. 16 - sweet 16! 17 18 19! I refuse to believe you are older than 19!"
"I have to tell you this.. No.. I cant.."
"I got phone phobia - is it ok if I make my mom call you?"
"Im shy."

._.-=-. Touch .-=-._.
-run hands down arms into palms and squeeze
-rub and leave hand on lower back
-stretch legs on lap
-push hair out of face and move slowly down to fondle earlobes
-breath on face/neck
-touch head/neck/hair
-smell slow along neck

._.-=-. Kiss .-=-._.
-run fingers up back and neck, and make light fist with her hair - tighten as makeout progresses
-move lips near hers.. when she goes in, back up repeatedly until she frustrated, then grab and kiss her HARD
-put lips gently against ear and rotate tongue slowly around ear opening - move it down to ear lobe - stick it very gently into her ear canal
-let kissing trail her chin and neck down to her chest and up again
-nibble her chin, neck and ear lobes

._.-=-. Sex .-=-._.
-Don't undress girls. Start rubbing and dry-humping instead.
-Rub slowly towards pussy but make a turn so you barely miss it.
-When rubbing pussy, just graze it.
-When licking pussy, don't dive in. Home in slowly. Lick inner thighs a lot, barely touching pussy when you change side. Take time licking areas *close* to the pussy before licking IT.
-When time to put it in, don't! Rub clit with head of cock and put only head inside. Go back and forth between rubbing and putting only head inside.
-When fucking, start *very* slow and focus on getting maximum range of motion with every thrust. Accelerate much slower than she wants to.

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