Friday, August 10, 2007

Deep/full voice easily

Breathe out with a 'breathing sound'. Notice sound comes from where chest and throat meet. Notice/feel where this spot is located.

Make a relaxed humming sound with your voice. Feel where in your throat it is made. Still relaxed and without pushing, try to move the spot down towards the 'breathing sound spot'. Notice the growing resistance as you move your voice deeper in your throat.

Stop humming. Stand up, straighten up, lean a bit back in your torso, tilt neck and head a bit forward. Your neck is now a bit arched.

Neck-chest-connection is now the part of your body that is furthest back. Relax a little more and notice head/neck are kinda held up by the spine in this connecting area.

Take a semi-deep relaxed breath in, breathing downwards with your stomach. Again, make a relaxed humming sound with your voice. Notice that without trying at all, your voice is coming from a very deep place in your throat, very close to the 'breathing sound spot'. Notice how it resonates in your chest with depth and fullness. Try saying something, still fully relaxed in this position without trying to control the tone.

Now, pull up shoulders, hunch forward, head up. Take a breath in, breathing outwards with your chest. Make a humming sound with your voice. Notice how it is restricted to upper part of throat. Notice how it is cut off from resonating in your chest.. The 'breathing sound spot', also called the THROAT CHAKRA (chakra of sky/air) IS NOW CLOSED.

"The Throat Chakra is the most delicate center in the human energy system and can be thrown out of balance when we do not honor our deepest feelings and express our truth to ourselves and others."

A paraphrase: having tension in your body will cause your throat to lock up, and make you talk in a thin insecure tone.

(Being locked up like this (fear/stress/need etc) has A LOT of other bad effects on your body/health, but that is another topic.)


Get out your goal sheet. Write "Get used to always talking from an arched posture with fully relaxed and open throat chakra. Deadline (insert date 2 weeks from now)."

Write a plan:
-Whenever I catch myself with closed-throat-posture, I will fix it at once, even if it means switching to deep tone while talking to someone.
-Whenever I'm out walking by myself, I will practice relaxed humming from relaxed and open throat chakra.
-I will google/research until I get some clue about avoiding stress and improving posture.
-(get creative)

Listen to your open-relaxed-throat-tonality and REJOICE knowing you will start sounding like this and at the same time reap bonus blessings like a more attractive posture, better health/energy and even better sleep quality! (this last bit is key - you must connect with your goal in a positive way like this.)

You could also take a moment to really feel some deep appreciation towards mASF, who has quite a few REALLY BRILLIANT posters right now, even if you have to dig a bit to find the useful stuff. (Yeah I take full credit for this, even if I already read elsewhere that there is a connection between tone and posture.)


Been doing this for 5 days and amazing results so far. Most of the time I talk with my new tone now, and if not, I instantly notice and correct it. Funny to see HBs snap their attention to me really fast when they hear my new tone. Very obvious that it puts me in a new (more attractive) light. I had no idea tonality was such a key part of the whole manliness-thing (until I heard several girls mention falling for a guy because of his manly voice, in a TV show last week. Wow - useful input from TV, cant remember last time that happened! *Sending tiny bits of appreciation towards reality TV* Generally though: FUCK THE MEDIA!)


Lol, in a shop this morning when talking to a girl, I almost got PERPLEXED by my own voice. It is WAY deeper and somehow louder than previously. What is happening?? The girl was perplexed for real, and then ALL GIGGELY (she was professionally cool before I spoke).

-Soo.. whats up with this flustered and slightly taken-by-surprise look that girls give me? Is it just because really masculine and relaxed voice is uncommon, or could it be that my looks make them expect something less masculine??

-Soo.. what is happening to my voice. The tone I have now is obviously deeper than previous days. Will it get even deeper or maybe go back up? I had a hint of soreness after 20min of deep humming yesterday so I'm not doing that today - afterall, this is a total new way to use my vocal cords so might require some time to adjust to it..

1 comment:

KEBman said...

Hi! I've trained a lot on voice control - all my life, really - as I've been into filmmaking, radio presenting and acting. But it wasn't after reading some "How To Become an Alpha Male-stuff" I decided to make my voice more authoritative when I approached women.

Now, I see you made a girl all giggely using a deep and full voice, and this made me think of something similar that happened to me. About five months ago - just after I started experimenting with better voice control - I went to a cafeteria for lunch.

Just to test what I'd learned, I decided to use deep voice control together with an alpha attitude when ordering from the waitress - just to see how it worked. To my delight it seemed to work fine. She giggled a bit, and we talked about what she would serve me. Mundane stuff, really, but her response was positive and fun, so I wrote it off as a success and got seated. I thought it would be a great thing to use when chatting up girls at bars, or possibly on dates. But boy was I ever surprised when I saw what the waitress left behind after clearing my table. Ever so discreetly she had planted a note with her phone number next to my coffee cup. ;o)

I had done nothing to imply any sexual interest in her. She was just another girl. The only thing I did was being more authoritative with my body language and the way I spoke. This just goes to show how the power of your voice is more important than you might think.